What makes you want to give back? Here at LAUT, giving back means making a lasting impact in communities all over the world. This impact can help change the lives of people within those communities, and help shape the humans of our world. We wanted to share with you a few organizations that we recently donated to, so that we can spread the word of the initiatives that are doing good around the world.
“Precious Plastic is a combination of people, machines, platforms and knowledge
to create an alternative global recycling system.”
While here at LAUT we work tirelessly, to reduce our reliance on plastic and CO2 footprint, our reliance on plastic is not lost on us as a leader in the technology accessory industry. When we design products with plastic, we ensure to create products that will last both as a timeless accessory and as a quality product.
When it comes to handling plastic waste, we were fascinated by Precious Plastics’ approach. Precious Plastic exists to reduce plastic waste. They design systems, materials, and lifestyles to achieve this goal; whatever works.
They create solutions where people are the key element towards dealing with the increasing amount of used plastics. Precious Plastic relies on people to bring about the necessary change. They believe in small steps, multiplied by millions, and like LAUT, have community members passionate about their cause in every corner of the world.
As members of the North Texas community, we found it important to give back to community members in need. As part of our holiday giving initiative, we chose to donate to a food bank serving North Texas. North Texas Food Banks seeks to close the hunger gap in North Texas by providing healthy and nutritious food to those in need.
1 out of 5 people in North Texas are considered food insecure, and at the end of 2020, hunger affected North Texans like never before. Millions of people are turning to food banks more than ever. With the North Texas Food Bank, $100 provides 600 meals. During the past holiday season, gifts were matched thanks to a generous $200,000 match from Sammons Enterprises and the Beaumont Foundation of America. In 2020, the North Texas Food Bank provided 96.9 million meals to kids, seniors, and families in need. Here at LAUT we are proud to have contributed towards that number.

Clean water is something so vital that it is amazing that it can be taken for granted. Water For People exists to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments. Their dream is for everyone in the world to have access to safe water and sanitation services. Safe water means that people live longer and have healthier lives.
Water For People works in the following countries:
Honduras • Nicaragua • Perú • Guatemala • Bolivia • Uganda • Rwanda • Malawi • India
Cultiva’s mission is to eradicate poverty; internally and externally in Guatemala. They mentor and teach people and families on how to garden, so that they can improve their family’s nutrition and lift themselves out of poverty. They truly create a better life for these families. The truth is that handouts don’t help in the long term. Handouts just foster dependence, and that leads to more hopelessness. This is why Cultiva focuses on mentoring families to foster independence so that people can help themselves long term. When people realize that they can help themselves, that changes everything.
Theatre practitioner and educator L.J. founded Maroon Arts and Culture in 2019 on Juneteenth. Her desire began after years of searching for her place among the mainstream theatre and not feeling that sense of belonging. Instead of giving up, she decided to create her own space in the profession.
The charity strives to create not only physical, but also virtual spaces for marginalized voices of every age. This will allow them to express themselves by telling their stories and also share their vision of the future. Their overall mission is to empower its members through performance, arts education and cultural programming.
Seeds to STEM is a non-profit organization based out of the DFW area. Its mission is to educate youth in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
They creatively teach students in their underserved communities manipulative based learning in STEM education. They approach this effort by focusing their teaching around hands-on-dominted STEM programs. Adding to the curriculum, they help to STEMulate its students minds by enriching them with college readiness skills, and also take them on trips based around computer programming and science.